
論 文

 1.  兵庫県南部地震における阪神高速松の浜免震橋の地震時挙動
No.626/I-48, pp.37-50, 1999.

 2.  System Identification and Performance Evaluation of two Base-Isolated Bridges using Seismic Data
Chaudhary M.T.A., M Abe, Y Fujino and J Yoshida, Journal of Structural Engineering
     ASCE, Vol.116, No.10, pp.1187-1195, 2000.

 3.  免震用積層ゴム支承の水平2方向を含む復元力特性とそのモデル化
     No.696/I-58, pp.124-144, 2002.

 4.  画像解析を利用した連続体の計測システムの構築
 吉田純司,阿部雅人,藤野陽三,Lewangamage, C.S.,土木学会論文集
     No.710/I-60, pp.165-179, 2002.

 5.   高減衰ゴム材料の構成則
      No.710/I-60, pp.209-224, 2002

 6.  高減衰積層ゴム支承の3次元有限要素解析法
     No.717/I-61, pp.37-52, 2002.

 7.  画像解析を利用した鉛の力学特性の把握
     吉田純司,阿部雅人,Beghini, A., 藤野陽三,横川英彰,土木学会論文集
     No.724/I-62, pp.127-139, 2003.

 8.  画像解析を応用したゴム材料の破断特性の把握とモデル化
     吉田純司,阿部雅人,Lewangamage C.S., 藤野陽三,土木学会論文集
     No.731/I-63, pp.135-146, 2003.

 9.  膜の動的変形を対象とした画像計測システムの構築
     熊野史朗, 藤野陽三,阿部雅人,吉田純司,松崎拓也,膜構造研究論文集
     No.17, pp.7-13, 2003.

10.  積層ゴム支承の復元力モデルの等価線形化
     吉田純司,阿部雅人, 藤野陽三,土木学会論文集
     No.752/I-66, pp.311-316, 2004.

11.  Strain Field Measurement of Rubber and its Failure Criterion by Image Analysis
    C.S Lewangamage, M Abe, Y Fujino and J Yoshida, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics
     Vol.33(4), pp.445-464, 2004.

12.   Constitutive Model of High Damping Rubber Materials
    J Yoshida, M Abe, and Y Fujino, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
    Vol.130, No.2, pp.129-141, 2004.

13.  地震時における橋桁の衝突現象のモデル化と実験的検証
     阿部雅人, 藤野陽三,吉田純司,朱平,柳野和也,土木学会論文集
     No.759/I-67, pp.181-198, 2004.

14.   Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Analysis of High Damping Rubber Bearings
    J Yoshida, M Abe, Y Fujino and H Watanabe, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE
    Vol.130, No.5, pp.607-620, 2004.

15.   Multiaxial Behaviors of Laminated Rubber Bearings and Their Modeling. I : Experimental Study
    M Abe, J Yoshida and Y Fujino, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE
    Vol.130, No.8, pp.1119-1132, 2004.

16.   Multiaxial Behaviors of Laminated Rubber Bearings and Their Modeling. II : Modeling
    M Abe, J Yoshida and Y Fujino, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE
    Vol.130, No.8, pp.1133-1144, 2004

17.   Measurement Method for Continua by Image Processing
    J Yoshida, M Abe, Y Fujino and C.S, Lewangamage, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE
    Vol.130, No.8, pp.1145-1156, 2004

18.  高架橋の3次元動的解析モデルを用いた桁間連結装置および車両通行性能の評価
     阿部雅人, 藤野陽三,吉田純司,朱平,土木学会論文集
     No.773/I-69, pp.47-61, 2004.

19.  金属支承の水平終局挙動
     阿部雅人, 吉田純司,藤野陽三,森重行雄,鵜野禎史,宇佐美哲,土木学会論文集
     No.773/I-69, pp.63-78, 2004.

20.  地震応答解析・耐震設計のための超高減衰ゴム支承のバイリニアモデルの提案
     吉田純司,杉山俊幸藤野陽三土木学会論文集A,Vol.62, No.2, pp.454-466, 2006.

国 際 会 議

 1.  Examination of Performance of a Menshin Elevated Highway Bridge During the Kobe Earthquake
     M Abe, Y Fujino and J Yoshida, NCEER-INCEDE Center-to Center Workshop on Earthquake
     Engineering Frontier in Transportation FAcilityies
, Buffalo, NewYork, 1997.

 2.  System Identification and Perfomance Evaluation of a Base-Isolated Bridge During the 1995 Kobe Earthquake
     Chaudhary M.T.A., M Abe, Y Fujino and J Yoshida, Proceedings of 13th ASCE Engineering
     Mechanics Conference
,Baltimore, USA, 1999.

 3.  Constitutive Law for the High Damping Rubber Material nad its Experimental Verification
     J Yoshida, M Abe and Y Fujino, International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

     Chicago, Illinois, 2000.

 4.  Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Laminated Rubber Bearings using
    Image Processing Technique

     J Yoshida, M Abe and Y Fujino, 7th International Seminar on Seismic Isolation, Passive
     Energy Dissipation and Active Control of Vibrations of Structures
, Assisi, Italy, 2001.

 5.  Bi-Axial Modeling for Laminated Rubber Bearings
     J Yoshida, M Abe, and Y Fujino, Proceedings of U.S.-Japan Joint Workshop and Third Grantees meeting
     U.S.-Japan Cooperative Research on Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, 2001.

 6.  Finite Element Modeling for the High Damping Rubber Bearing
     J Yoshida, M Abe, and Y Fujino, 3rd DIANA World Conference-Finite Element in
     Civil Engineering Applications
, 2002.

 7.  Characteristics of Rubber used in Seismic Isolation by Digital and Thermal Image Analysis
     Chamindalal S.L., M Abe, Y Fujino, and J Yoshida,
SPIE's 9th Annual International Symposium on
     Smart Structures and Materials
, San Diego, California, 2002.

 8.  Experimental Analysis of Lead Behavior
     A Beghini, M Abe, Y Fujino and J Yoshida, SPIE's 9th Annual International Symposium on
     Smart Structures and Materials
, San Diego, California, 2002.

 9.  Modeling and Design Criteria for Laminated Rubber Bearings
     M Abe, J Yoshida and Y Fujino, the 3rd International Workshop on Performance Based Seismic Design
     and Retrofit of Transportation Facilities,
Tokyo, Japan, 2002.

10 . Construction of A Measurement System for the Dynamic Behaviors of Membrane by Using Image Processing
      J Yoshida, M Abe, S Kumano, and Y Fujino, Structural Membrane 2003 - International Conference on Textile
     Composites and Inflatable Structures, Barcelona, Spain,

11 .  Failure Behavior of Carbon-filled Rubber Materials and its Modeling by using Image Processing
      J Yoshida and T Sugiyama, Proceedings of The First International Conference on Advances in Experimental
Structural Engineering , Vol.2 , pp.667-672, Nagoya,

12.   Behavior of viscous fluid dampers and its modeling
    J. Yoshida, T. Sugiyama and H. Hattori, Proceedings of the tenth East Asian Pacific Conference
    on Structural Engineering and Construction
, CD-ROM, Bangkok, 2006.8.

13.  Detection and Measurement of Concrete Cracks by image processing techniques
   H. Tatsuta, J. Yoshida and T. Sugiyama, Proceedings of the tenth East Asian Pacific Conference
   on Structural Engineering and Construction
, CD-ROM, Bangkok, 2006.8.

14. Comparison of lane-loading and influence-lines-loading of vehicular load from economical viewpoint
    regarding design of two-span continuous composite two-plate-girder bridge

   T. Sugiyama, A. Ito and J. Yoshida, Proceedings of the tenth East Asian Pacific Conference on
   Structural Engineering and Construction
, CD-ROM, Bangkok, 2006.8.

15. Comparison of stress resultant of concrete alcove slab based on new an existing design standard in Vietnam

    H.P. Nguyen, T. Sugiyama and J. Yoshida, Proceedings of the tenth East Asian Pacific Conference on
    Structural Engineering and Construction
, CD-ROM, Bangkok, 2006.8.

  更新日 2006年 8月