2022.11.4. My paper has been published in Science Advances "Astrocytic dysfunction induced by ABCA1 deficiency canses optic neuropathy".

2022.11.2. My review for ocular P2 receptors is out in Neuropharmacology. "Ocular P2 receptors and glaucoma".

2022.3.10. Bijay's paper has been accepted to JOVE "Transplantation
of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Microglia in Immunocompetent Mice Brain via Non-invasive Transnasal Route".

2022.3.10. We gave a talk at the 95the Annual Meeting of Japnese Pharmacological Society.

"Inflammatory responses by retinal astrocytes during pathogenesis of normal-tension glaucoma" (Shinozaki, Oral presentation"
"Astrocytic control of microglial engulfment during postnatal development, which fates a lifelong cortical circuits" (Danjo, Oral presentation)
"Lack of P2Y1 receptors in Muller cells causes a glaucoma-like phenotypes" (Hamada, Student session)

2021.11.28. Danjo's paper has been accepted to TVST. Congrats!

2021.7.20. Hamada's paper has just been accepted to British Journal of Pharmacology. Congrats!

2021. 7. 11. I have just been appointed to Review Editor for Frontiers in Ophthalmology (Glaucoma).

2021.6.28. We gave a talk at SLDDDRS Webinar Series

2021.2.5. We will give a presentation at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society/the 1st CJK International Meeting.
"Astrocytic mGluR5 regulates microglial engulfment during postnatal development, which fates a lifelong cortical cirsuits." (Danjo)

2021.2.5. We will give a presentation at the 125th aAnnual Meeting of the Japanses Ophthalmological Society.
"Astrocytes trigger early remodeling of optic nerve head in NTG model mouse" (Shinozaki)
"P2Y1 receptor loss causes ocular hypertension and loss of retinal ganglion cells" (Hamada)

2021.2.5. We will give a presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society.
"Early reactive gliosis at optic nerve head in normal-tension glaucoma" (Shinozaki, Oral presentation)
"P2Y1 receptor is a novel target for anti-glaucoma treatment" (Hamada, Oral presentation)

2021.1.9. "Glia Decoding" has loanched!!

2020. 12.28. My review has just been accepted to JPS
"Potential roles of astrocytes and Muller cells in the pathogenesis of glaucoma"

2020.9.7. We will give a presentation at the 63rd annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Neurochemistry.
Lack of astrocytic ABCA1 causes early reactive gliosis during pathogenesis of glaucoma"
(Shinozaki, at session 7, Glia (astrocytes) 14:00-15:00 Spet 11, 2020)
P2Y1 receptor dysfunction causes hypertensive glaucoma"
(Hamada, at Wakate Dojo A, 13:30-14:45 Sept 11th, 2020)

2020.9.1. I attended the visual science forum (NIPS conference, on the ZOOM). Enjoyed so much.

2020. 3.16. Due to the pandemic situation by the novel corona virus, our presentation at the
Annual meeting of Japasense Pharmacological society has been done as publication in magazine.
"Dysregulated ABCA1 increases risk for pathogenesis of normal tension glaucoma"(Shinozaki)
"Loss of P2Y1 receptor causes ocular hypertension and glaucoma-like phenotype in mice" (Hamada)

2020. 3.16. Our short review has been published in Folia Pharmacol. Jpn (Japanse).
Potential role of glial dysfunction in pathogenesis of glaucoma

2019.10.15 Dr. Sano's paper has been submitted to bioxirv.
"Reactive astrocyte-driven epileptogenesis is induced by microglia initially activated following status epilepticus"

2019.7.17. Dr. Ihara's paper has just been out in Sci Rep.
"Intermitttent restraint stress induces circadian misalignment in the mouse bladder, leading to nocturia"

2019.6.28. My new original article has just been accepted to Journal of Neurochemistry.
"Microglial ROCK is essential for chronic methylmercury-induced neurodegeneration"

2019.6.28. Takeda-san received Travel Award from Neuro 2019! Congraturations!

2019. 3. 28. Kawakami-san, Ogaeri-san and Doi-san will present their work at Transducers 2019.

2019.3.18. I visited Prof. Marie-Eve Tremblay to have an invited talk.

2019.2.1.I will have a presentation at 9th FAOPS
「Loss-of-function of glial ABCA1 increases the risk for pathogenesis of glaucoma」

2019.2.1. I will give a talk at Centre de researchrche du CHU de Quebec
「Dysfunction in retinal glia causes pathogenesis of glaucoma」

2019. 2.1. I will give a talk at the Symposium in the 92th Annual Meeting of Japanese Pharcological Society
Symposium title「網膜変性疾患や視覚障害を標的とした新規治療戦略を目指して」(Organizer: Prof. Osakada & Sakamoto)

「Dysregulation in glial function increases risk for pathogenesis of glaucoma」

2019.1.31. Ha-san (PhD candidate) received Best Poster Presentation Award! Congrats, Ha-san!

2018. 9.25. I will give a presentation at Cold Spring Harbor Asia - Novel Insights into Glia function and dysfunction
"Dysfunction of ABCA1 in optic astrocytes causes pathogenesis of glaucoma.

2018.9.25. I will give a talk at the 23rd meeting of Japanese GLIA meeting.
"Lack of glial ABCA1 causes pathogenesis of glaucoma"

2018.9.25. I gave a talk at the 41st annual meeting of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry.
"The role of dediciency of glial ABCA1 on pathogenesis of glaucoma"

2018.6.25. Patent application (Japanese) 特願2018-115732 「正常眼圧緑内障モデル、及び評価対象薬剤の正常眼圧緑内障予防乃至治療効果の評価方法」

2018.6.12. Dr. Kinoshita's paper is out in EBioMedicine.
"Anti-depressant fluoxetine reveals its therapeutic effect via astrocytes"

2018. 5. 22. Ms. Takeda's paper has just been accepted to GLIA.
"Microglia mediate non-cell-autonomous cell death of retinal ganglion cells"

2018.3.6. Dr. Ihara's paper has been accepted to Sci Rep.
"The oscillation of intracellular Ca2+ influx associated with the circadian expression of Piezo1 and TRPV4 in the bladder urothelium"

2017.11.16. I will give a talk at the 10th RRM
"Dysfunction in purinergic receptors induces elevated IOP and glaucoma-like phenotypes"

2017.11.10. I will give a talk at Nagoya University.
"Roles of extracellular nucleotides/P2 receptors in the CNS."

2017.10.6. My new paper is finally out @ JCI Insight.
"Purinergic dysregulation causes hypertensive glaucoma-like optic neuropathy"

2017. 9.11. 第9回若手神経保護の会(NMYR)にて発表致します。

2017.9.11. I will give a talk at the 22th Annual Meeting of the Japan Glia
      "Microglia-mediated transformation of neuroprotective astrocytes"

2017.9.11. I gave a talk at
the 60th annual meeting of Japenese Society for Neurochemistry
       "Microglia-induced astrocytic P2Y1 receptor down-regulation causes neuroprotective astrocyte scar

2017.8.24. Our new paper is just accepted to Neurology and Urodynamics.
      "The circadian expression of Piezo1, TRPV4, Coonexin26 and VNUT, associated with expression levels of the clock
      genes in mouse primary cultured urothelial cells".

2017.7.11. Our new paper is out in Scientific Reports!
     "Polymorphic regulation of mitochondrial fission and fusion modifies phenotypes of microglia in neuroinflammation"

2017.7.10. Dr. Shibata's paper has been selected the
top 10% most cited PLoS One article! Congratulations!


2017.6.27. We will have a presentation at the 78th Annual MTG of Applied Physial Society.

        ”グリア細胞とシナプスの近接場光学顕微鏡観察(V)" 櫻井杏梨,酒井優,篠崎陽一,柴田圭輔,繁冨英治,小泉修一,居島薫,堀裕和、小林潔

2017.6.12. My proposal is accepted to ABiS.

2017.4.3. My new paper has just been accepted to Cell Reports.

2017.2.21. I will present my recent work in the 90th annual MTG of Jpn Pharm Soc.
Pathogenic roles of P2 receptors dysregulation in hypertensive glaucoma (Symposium)
  Microglia-derived TNFα damages RGCs in glaucoma model mouse

2017.2.21. My co-work with Choi-san (TUT) will be presented in the 64th Ann MTG Appl Phys Jpn
 Fluorescence detection of the laveled cells using a filter-free fluorescence sensor

2017.2.21. My co-work with Choi-san (TUT) has been accepted to Transducers 2017
 Cell analysis system using a filter-free fluorescence sensor

2017. 2. 17. I have received Travel Grant for ARVO2017 from The Ichiro Kanehara Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science & Medical Care.
公益財団法人 金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団より第31回国際交流助成を頂ける事になりました。

2017. 1. 11.
My abstract has been accepted to ARVO2017.
         Shinozaki et al. "Dysregulation in purinergic signaling causes hypertensive glaucoma-like optic neuropathy"

2017. 1. 11. Dr. Ihara's paper has been published in PLoS One.

2016. 10. 19. Kim-san's paper has been picked up in F1000Prime

2016. 10. 11. 第20回 Japan Purine Club Meetingにて発表致します。(シンポジウム)
         I will give a talk at the 20th Japan Purine Club Meeting.
        「Dysregulation in P2Y6 reecptor causes hypertensive glaucoma-like phenotypes in mice」

2016. 9. 12. 第59回神経化学会年会で発表致しました。
      I gave a talk at the 59th annual meeting of JNS.
      3A-3 Shinozaki, Takeda, Kashiwagi and Koizumi
      「Dysregulated P2 receptor signaling causes optic neuropathy via elevation of intraocular pressure」
      P082(3)Takeda, Shinozaki, Kashiwagi and Koizumi
      「Pathogenic role of retinal microlgia in excitotoxicity-induced optic neurodegeneration」

2016. 8. 29. 豊橋科学技術大学バイオセンサ夏季合同セミナーにて発表致します。
      I will give a talk at Summer seminar of Biosensor group in Toyohashi Univ. of Tech

2016. 8. 5. 武田科学振興財団 「2016年度医学系研究奨励継続助成(基礎)」に採択されました。
2016. 8. 4. 文部科学省科学研究費助成事業 新学術領域研究・学術研究支援基盤形成 「先端バイオイメージング支援プラットフォーム 2016年度前期支援課題」に採択されました。

2016. 7. 14. Our new paper is accepted to Scientific Reports.
Nakagomi et al. Urothelial ATP exocytosis: regulation of bladder compliance in the urine strage phase.
Scientific reports 2016, in press.

2016. 7. 9. 武田明子さんが第134回日本薬理学会関東部会でYoung Investigator Awardを受賞しました。

2016.6.22. Our new paper is out in Neurourology and Urodynamics.
Ihara T et al. The Clock mutant mouse is a novel experimental model for nocturia and nocturnal polyuria.
Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2016 in press

2016.5.17. 第134回日本薬理学会関東部会にて発表致します。
武田明子、篠崎陽一、柏木賢治、小泉修一 (O-7-3)
篠崎陽一、武田明子、柏木賢治、小泉修一 (O-5-6)

2016.5.17. 科研費が採択されました。

2016. 4. 13. Our New Paper is out in JCI.
Kim et al. J Clin Invest, in press
Cortical astrocytes rewire somatosensory cortical circuits for peripheral neuropathic pain
Press Release

2016.2.8. 日本薬理学会にて発表致します。

第89回日本薬理学会年会 3月9-11日、神奈川

I will give a talk at the 89 th annual meeting of Japanese Pharmaceutical Society
P2 receptor dysfunction causes glaucomatous optic neuropathy"
"Activated retinal microglia contribute to excitotoxicity-induced optic neurodegeneration"

2016.2.8. 応用物理学会春季講演会にて発表致します。

2015.12.28. 山梨大学xNCNPシンポジウムで講演致します。

2015. 10. 31. 論文がアクセプトされました。My paper has just been accepted in J Neurochemistry.
Taguchi M*, Shinozaki Y*, Kashiwagi K, Shigetomi E, Robaye B and Koizumi S. "Muller cell-mediated neurite outgrowth of the retinal ganglion cells via P2Y6 receptor signals" J Neurochem in press. (*equal contribution)

2015. 9. 1. 特許出願致しました。
篠崎陽一、柏木賢治、小泉修一 「緑内障モデル、評価対象薬剤の緑内障予防乃至治療効果の評価方法、及び眼圧調整剤」 特願2015-177781

2015.6.8. 第56回日本組織細胞化学会年会にて発表致します。
「Mitochondrial fission and elongation in microglia induced by activation with LPS correlated phagocytosis」

2015.6.8. 第58回日本神経化学会にて発表致します。
「Muller cell regulates axon elongation of retinal ganglion cells via P2Y6 receptor signals」
「Mitochondrial fission and elongation in microglia induced by activation with LPS」

2015.6.8. 第13回ナノ学会にて発表致しました。

・2015.3.4. I will give a talk at Optics in the Life Sciences,
April 12-15, 2015, Vancouver, Canada
Nano-imaging for glia-synapse fine structures with a homemade near-field optical microscope"

・2015.2.17. APNFO2015にて発表致します。 http://www.nano-optics-group.org/apnfo10/
 I will give a talk at APNFO2015 (Hakodate, Japan)
Nano-imaging of glia-synapse fine structures responsible for neural functions"

・2015.2.17. Euroglia2015にて発表致します。
 I will give a talk at bennial meeting of Euroglia 2015 (Bilbao, Spain) http://bilbao2015.gliameeting.eu/
"Microglia induce neuroprotective astrocytes via P2Y1 receptor down-regulation"

・2015.2.17. 第88回日本薬理学会年会にて発表致します。
 I will give a talk at the 88th annual meeting of JPS.
Transformation of neuroprotective astrocytes by microglia ミクログリアによる神経保護的アストロサイトの誘導」

・2014.11.12. 武田科学振興財団より医学系研究奨励を受賞致しました。
 I received a research award for medical science from Takeda Science Foundation

・2014.9.17. H26年度 戦略・公募プロジェクト(基盤研究)に採択されました。

・2014.8.25. 第131回日本薬理学会関東部会にて発表致します。
・2014.8.25. 第41回日本毒性学会学術年会にて発表致しました。(シンポジウム)

・2014.7.11. 第34会表面科学会学術講演会にて発表致します。(招待講演)
 I will give a talk at the 34th annual meeting of Japanese Surface Science Society
 "Structural dynamics reconstituted in artificial lipid bilayer observed with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy" (Invited talk)

・2014.7.11. 第36回日本生物学的精神医学会/第57回日本神経化学会合同大会にて発表致します。
 I will give a presentation at the jouint meeting of the 36th annual meeting of Japanese Society of Biological Pscychiatry/the 57th annual meeting of Japanese Society for Neurochemistry.
 "Muller cell promotes axon elongation by retinal ganglion cell via P2Y6 receptor activation 網膜ミュラー細胞は 網膜視神経節細胞のP2Y6受容体活性化を介して軸索伸展を促進する"(poster)
 "Microglia promote astrogliosis and astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection ミクログリアはアストロサイト活性化を促進して脳傷害後の神経保護作用を惹起する" (oral)

・2014.7.10. I had presentation in FENS 2014 "Microglia trigger astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection via prinergic gliotransmission"

・2014.3.11. Our new paper is now available online.

・2014.3.7. We will give a presentation at 87th Annual meeting of Japanese Pharmacological Society at Sendai, Miyagi
 "Muller cell induce axonal elongation of retinal ganglion cells via P2Y6 receptor activation"(P2-2-1)

・2014.2.24. My new paper(as a first author) has just been accepted to Scientific Reports.
 "Microglia trigger astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection via prinergic gliotransmission"

・2014.2.24. I will giva a talk at 87th Annual meeting of Japanese Pharmacological Society at Sendai, Miyagi
 "Microglia trigger astrocyte-mediated neuroprotection via prinergic gliotransmission"

・2014.1.7. My new paper is available online at APEX. (Appl. Phys. Express 2014, 7, 2, 027001)

・2013.12.10. My paper (as a corresponding author) has been accepted in Appl. Phys. Express
"Ligand-induced structural changes in membrane-reconstituted ion channel observed with atomic force microscopy"

・2013.4.2. I have received Travel Award from the Kato Memorial Bioscience Foundation. (link)

・2013.3.13. I have just awarded by the Uehara Memorial Foundation.(link)

・2013.03.13. My paper (as a first author) has been published in PLoS One
Astrocytes protect neurons against methylmercury via ATP/P2Y1 receptor-mediated pathways in astrocytes"  

・2013.03.13. My paper (as a co-author) has been published in PLoS One
"In vitro blood-brain barrier models using brain capillary endothelial cells isolated from neonatal and adult rats retain age-related barrier properties."

.2013.03.13. Mr. Taguchi in our Lab awarded an excellent presentation award in Science intercollegiate
        →Lab page, Univ Page

・2012.10.15. I will have a presentation at The 127th annual meeting of the sub-comittee of Janapese Pharmacological Society in Kanto entitled "Acceleration of glial scar formaiton by inhition of P2Y1 receptor"

・2012. 9. 5.
 I will give a talk atJoint meetint of the 11th APSN/55th JSN (in YIC 03, Sept. 30, 2012) entitled "P2Y1 receptor negatively regulates astrocytic migration and scar-like structure formation"

・I will give a talk at the 14th annual symposium on pharmacometrics (as a co-author, symposium, in Japanese)"

・I will have a presentation at the 14th annual symposium on pharmacometrics (poster, in Japanese) "P2Y1受容体はアストロサイト細胞移動及び瘢痕様構造の形成を負に調節する(
P2Y1 receptor negatively regulates astrocytic migration and scar-like structure formation)"

・We will have The 14th Annumal Symposium on Pharmacometrics (Kofu, Yamanashi, Japan 3rd and 4th September, 2012)

・2012.6.07 HP renewal

・I had a presentation at Purine 2012 (Poster) "P2Y1 Receptor Blocade Enhances Astrocytic Motility and Glial Scar Formation"
・I had a presentation at Purine 2012 (Poster, co-author) "Microglia Release ATP by a Mechanism of Exocytosis"
・I gave a talk at Purine 2012 (Symposium) "Structural dynamics of P2X4 receptor channel observed with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy"

・2012.1.30. I will have a talk at an International Symposium on Purinergic Signalling in New Strategy of Drug Discovery (Purine2012). (in Syposium 10)

・2011.12.16. I will talk at the 85th annual meeting of the Japanese pharmacological society (http://www.jps85.umin.jp/), Kyoto, Japan, March 14 - 16, 2012
"Microglial ATP evoked by MeHg induces IL-6 expression/secretion from astrocyte via P2Y1 receptor activation.(メチル水銀はミクログリアからのATP放出を誘導しアストロサイトからP2Y1受容体依存的にIL-6放出を引き起こす)"

・2011.11.15. My new paper (as a co-author) entitled "
Ca2+ ion transport through channels formed by α-hemolysin analyzed using microwell array on Si substrate" has been accepted to Biosensor and Bioelectronics (IF2010 = 5.36), in press

・2011.11.10. We will make a presentation @ SfN2011(as a co-author)
"The astrocyte-targeted therapy by Bushi for the neuropathic pain in mice"
 Washington DC, USA, November 12-16, 2011

「ATP情報が発信されるメカニズム」 プリン研究会2011, 愛知, 2011年10月20-21日

・2011.9.15. My new paper (as a corresponding author) entitled
"Examination of Ion Channel Protein Orientation in Supported Lipid Bilayers" has been accepted to Appl. Phys. Express (IF2010 = 2.747)

・2011.8.15. I will talk at the 23rd Biennial Meeting of International Society for Neuroschemistry (ISN2011) (http://www.isn2011.org/), Athens, Greece, August-1 September, 2011
"Direct Visualization of Single Receptor Structure/Dynamics with Fast-Scanning Atomic Force Microscopy"

・2011.7.21. My paper (as a co-author) entitled
"The astrocyte-targeted therapy by Bushi for the neuropathic pain in mice" has been accepted to PLoS One (IF2010 = 4.4).
→ this paper also has been issued pless releases from various Japanese media

・2011.5.12. My research project has been adopted for
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B).
       科学研究費補助金(若手B )

・2011. 5. 8. I will talk at The 11th Annual meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan (invited, June 9, WS15 Resolving ion channel dynamics)
       "Analysis of ion channel dynamics using fast-scanning atomic force microscopy", Osaka, Japan, June 6-9, 2011

・2011.3.24. 第23回
        第23回国際神経化学会、アテネ、ギリシャ、8/28-9/1, 2011
        I have been received the
ISN travel award.
        23rd Biennial Meeting of ISN2011, Athens, Greece, 28 August-1 September, 2011

・2011.3.3.  I added "Press Release" into the Publication page.

・2011.2.26. I will tal at The 84th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Pharmacological Society (
"Deactivation of spinal astrocyte as a therapeutic strategy for chronic state of neuropathic pain"(co-author) Kanagawa, Japan, March 22-24, 2011

・2011.2.16. I will talk at Biophysical Society 55th Annual Meeting (
Analysis of ion channel activities in the lipid bilayer suspended over microwells on the Si substrate."(co-author)
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 5-9, 2011

・2011.1.20. I will talk at The 84th Annual Meeting of Japanese Pharmacological Society (http://www.secretariat.ne.jp/jps2011/program.html#pl05
Visualization of dynamics in single P2X4 receptors with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy." (Oral Presentation)
Pacifico Yokohama, Kanagawa, 2010.3.24. 9:00-10:00

・2010.12.27. 「Talks」に「Invited presentations」を追加しました。

・2010.12.27. 「CV」に「Honors and Awards」を追加しました。

・2010.12.06. My paper(invited) entitled "
Direct Observation of Bio-molecule Topology Using Atomic Force Microscopy" will be published in Surface Science (Hyomenkagaku), Volume 32(February), 2011.

・2010.11.07. 「Talks」を追加しました。

・2010.10.29. I will talk at the 30th annual meeting of Japanese Magnesium society (as a co-author, http://www.health-info.jp/jsmgr/)
"Direct imaging of single receptor protein using fast-scanning atomic force microscopy."
「原子間力顕微鏡を用いた受容体タンパク質の単一分子観察」 NTT武蔵野研究開発センター、東京、2010.11.20.

・2010. 10. 28. I will make a presentation at ICSPM18 (as a co-author). (http://dora.bk.tsukuba.ac.jp/event/ICSPM18/)
"Visualization of domain dynamics in lipid raft model membranes by high-speed atomic force microscopy"
          ICSPM18で発表致します。(共著) 伊豆熱川ハイツ、静岡県、2010.12.9.-11.

・2010. 10. 26. I will make a presentation at the 16th Takeda Science Symposium on Bioscience (poster).
"Direct imaging of P2X4 receptors with fast-scanning atomic force microscopy." at Sheraton Miyako Hotel Tokyo, December 1-2, 2010

・2010. 10. 20. I will make a presentation at the 30th annual meeting of Japanese Surface Science Society (as an invited speaker).
"Measurement of internal structural dynamics in membrane proteins using fast scanning atomic force microscopy"
        at Osaka University, 4th-6th November, 2010. http://www.sssj.org/Kouen-Taikai/taikai2010/

・2010. 10. 18. 論文「
Confinment of fluorescent probes in micro-wells on Si substrates by sealing with lipid bilayer」が
          Applied Physics Express (APEX)誌(IF2010 = 2.75)に掲載されました。
          My new paper titled "Confinment of fluorescent probes in micro-wells on Si substrates by sealing with lipid
          bilayer" has been postes at Applied Physic Express(APEX 2010, 3, 107001)        

・2010. 9. 3.  I was invited to Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics conference 2010 at Makuhari, Tokyo, Japan.
         Title "Direct imaging of biomembrane and transmembrane proteins using AFM"
         有機バイオSPM研究会2010 (http://www.biophys.jp/news/lib/newsshow.php/1271896739-2.txt)にて
         演題「生体膜及び生体膜貫通タンパク質のAFM を用いた直接観察」
・2010. 8. 16.
I have been assigned to Dept. Pharmacol. Yamanashi Univ. as a Lecturer.
         山梨大学大学院 医学工学総合研究部 薬理学講座に講師として着任致しました。